Dedicated to promoting education and leadership, the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that recognizes and honors exceptional undergraduate students of Hellenic descent, supporting their efforts with significant monetary awards based on academic merit and financial need.
The Foundation is administered by a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee (Trustees). A separate Advisory Board representing a range of professional disciplines provides guidance and support to the Foundation.
The annual selection of Scholarship Award Recipients is conducted by an Academic Committee appointed by the Board of Directors. This Committee works independently and makes its decisions based on established criteria. Members of the Board of Directors, Trustees, the Advisory Board, and employees of the Foundation may not serve on the Academic Committee.

Our Mission is to promote education by providing scholarships and programs to Greek American students who, guided by the values of their Hellenic upbringing, have the potential to become life-long significant achievers and contribute meaningfully to society.
Our Vision is to build a better America through Education and Hellenism.

“The fountain and root of a noble life is a good education.”

One of the deepest and most profound themes in Hellenic tradition is the emphasis placed on the role of education in order to create the ideal citizen to help advance the development of civilization. More than 2,300 years ago, Aristotle proclaimed, “Education is the best provision for life’s journey.” Out of respect for this tradition, the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation strives to promote the positive development of Greek American college students through the support and advancement of their undergraduate education.
Building a better America through Education and Hellenism is at the core of the Foundation’s mission. In that spirit, we aim to strengthen our civic fabric by supporting Greek American undergraduates as they develop their paideia and become enlightened and engaged citizens.

Nike, the goddess of victory, personifies triumph throughout ancient Greek culture. Our symbol, Nike of Paionios, represents our effort to help Greek American youth triumph in life through hard work, dedication, determination, and the completion of their education.