Building a Strong Endowment
The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation was established by Chris P. Tomaras due to his own struggles pursuing a college education—ultimately unable to complete his studies at Columbia University as a young student due to limited financial resources. He never graduated, but through hard work and tenacity became a successful businessman. Despite his extraordinary success, Mr. Tomaras continued to believe that education was a pillar of success. This strong conviction led him to devote the last two decades of his life to the mission of the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation.
To ensure the Foundation’s longevity, Mr. Tomaras smartly established an Endowment Fund, which continues to provide life-changing scholarships to Greek American students in perpetuity.

Joining the Founder’s Society with an Endowment gift demonstrates your strong commitment to education—a pillar of success—that ensures a brighter future for everyone.
To the ancient Greeks, a pillar was more than a column used for support. Every section of the column was integral for the longevity of the structure. For this reason, we have chosen the three architectural orders to comprise our Founder’s Society levels:

Corinthian ($1,000,000+), Ionic ($500,000+), and Doric ($250,000+)

Please contact the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation at 312.357.6432 to confidentially discuss joining the Founder’s Society, or to learn more about our planned giving initiatives.