Meaningful $10,000 Scholarships
Each year PanHellenic scholarship recipients with financial need are awarded $10,000 toward their college education, providing them with significant economic relief. This is accomplished through the generous support of many repeat donors, who provide a named $10,000 scholarship. These scholarships provide a life-changing award for our scholars, as well as a meaningful personal connection for our donors. With donors and scholars in mind, the Foundation created the Scholarship Society. This giving program is comprised of three levels; Scholarship 50, Scholarship 100, and Scholarship 200—all of which are a $10,000 commitment for 5, 10, or 20 years, respectively.


Along with the many benefits that come with a Scholarship Society membership, each contribution directly impacts the lives of 5, 10, or 20 students. You also gain the ability to follow your exceptional scholars throughout their lives, building meaningful relationships and instilling in them the importance of giving back to the Greek American community.


Yanni Patitsas 2021 Scholar
It is a huge honor to be recognized alongside so many extraordinary Greek Americans. It is meaningful that we have all preserved our Greek identities living in America, and are all proudly representing our ancestral homeland well. An organization such as the PanHellenic builds a sense of community amongst Greek Americans, which in turn helps foster an even stronger connection between the scholars and their cultural identity. Our mentors inspire us to incorporate our Hellenic identity into our professional lives like they do, and the PanHellenic helps to set a high standard for young Greek American scholars.
Mina Baniewicz 2021 Scholar
To receive an award from a Greek-American organization like the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation is incredibly special. The sense of recognition and pride I feel extends beyond my own personal accomplishments. Each and every sacrifice my family made to create a life in a new country has amounted to this moment. Receiving an award from the Greek community reinforces this vision we all share, which is to continue building upon the foundation our ancestors began, in the hopes that we will continue striving for success.

If you would like more information on becoming a member of the Scholarship Society, please contact Senior Director Vasiliki Panos, at vpanos@panhellenicsf.org.
Thank you to our Scholarship Society members!